Mass Consumption


    Assignment #1 Working with wood

What inspired this piece is my obsession with banana bread. Silly but, yes. I wanted this assignment to push myself. Work with more fluid movement in my sculpture, rather than a stiff cubic wood structure. I used only glue to hold together my piece. I am using a running brick placement to layer the individual components of wood. It may not be obvious when you first see this sculpture, yet the reason for that method of assembly is to make note of the international trade that bananas partake in. They are a highly demanded product that is outsourced from another hemisphere. Traveling to another place to be eaten by many. Hence the title “Mass Consumption”. The individual pieces of wood represent all of the places that consume the fruit. The number of pieces of wood used isn’t an accurate percentage of consumers, but you get the idea. The reason for tinting the wood was a subtle showing of the aged banana look. 


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