A Few of My Favorite Things


1.  Paint Pallet: This very messy pallet of watercolour paint holds a lot of growth. I've had this for over two years now. Shockingly has lasted this long. I've created so many artworks using this pallet. Given so many handmade cards and letters using these colours. It also is beautiful to look at how the paint slowly diminishes over the progression of my art being produced.

2. The coconut with coaster: The coconut I found one of my last nights back home before moving up to school. My best friend MJ and I have a deep love for coconuts. To make a long story short, a ship called the Providencia wrecked onto palm beach island. It was full of coconuts. They all scattered up the Palm Beach coast planting themselves. Not only is it tasty it reminds me of home and where I am rooted. The coaster I've had for years and reminds me of my mom.

3. "DINK COFFEE": Self-explanatory. I love coffee. 

4. The Incense matches: Scented coconut... of course. My mom is a yoga teacher and back home always burns incense. So it brings me some peace to light one.

5. Gold Shark's Tooth Necklace: This is very special to me and man if I ever lose it, well, I don't know what I'd do. My mom got it for me in high school. A good friend and local jewelry artist back home made it for me. It's a bull shark tooth cast in gold. I haven't taken it off since I got it (except for this photo).

6. Feild Notes: Well if you haven't heard of them definitely look them up! My mom (if you can't tell is my best friend) takes art classes at Penland, NC once a year. She's big into letterpress. And working alongside the artist who created this field notes notebook. She gifted it to me and I've filled every page with drawings of memories and written words of pure bliss. I keep it around to remind me of the fruitful moments in my past.

7. The brown box with carvings: An old box she is. If you were guessing my mom gave it to me, well you're not wrong. I hold all my shark's teeth and cowrie shells in it. Along with matches. It holds a lot of value to me. Not only because I found all the pieces in it, but because finding each tooth means to me. I see it as a little sign from God. My mom and I both get an overwhelming feeling of peace and happiness when we find them.


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