Art 21 Response: Adam Milner


The artist that caught my eye was Adam Milner

Keywords: Vibrant matter, trash, arranging. Collecting. Temporary complex.
“A lot of these philosophies are about getting rid of things, but I’m really interested in this idea of vibrant matter…that everything is active and when we’re done with something, it still exists in the world.”

Artwork 1: 


Focal Point/ Emphasis: To combine personal items from Adam Milner's life and Andy Warhol's. "Ambiguously mingled" (This piece caught my attention on many levels but, one being that it is connected to Warhol and displayed in the Warhol Museum)

Asymmetry: At first glance, the objects laid look placed in a neatly aligned manner. Which yes, they are neatly aligned but, they are by no means laid out to reflect on the side perfectly. Still accomplishing a visual appeal with the confusion that it is perfect. Until you look deeper into it.

Artwork 2: 


Actual Texture: The collected pieces that Milner carved space for in the stone are little added textures to this installation. 

Scale: There's a range of different-sized stones and other objects laying on the bed.  Each holding a different weight and value to the piece. 


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