Bust Sculpture 2 (Keyboard Bust)


Keyboard bust 

I created this bust with the intention to focus on cyberbullying. Bullying is such a common thing amongst all ages. However, online bullying is more accessible. Adults bully adults, kids bully kids and even adults bully kids and vice versa. Online bullying is sadly so much easier to do. If you choose to be unknown you can be. The reasoning for all the random pasted newsprint letters over the bust is the words that people are using to label that being. They're using their words to identify that person. The backside of the bust has a keyboard in place of the brain. The person who's being bullied in this piece is also someone who is bullying others. The colour pink that coats the inside of the head is to represent that this is human flesh at the end of the day. Be mindful of what you say and who you say it.


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