
Showing posts from September, 2021

Touch Response #2

  What Is Touch 5.5 x 8 Collage "A little pressure produces a flurry of excitement, then fades, and a stronger pressure just extends the burst of activity." Touch chapter page 81. "A Natural History Of The Senses" Diane Ackerman. Stimulation. We do things most of the time because we get something from them. We find joy in the little things. Movement gets us feeling excited and capable. Something as simple as dancing keeps the excitement in our bones going. When we lose feeling in something that used to give us the joy we find something new. Or we overdose on what we already have. Inevitably ruining the joy in it.

Touch Response #1

  Easing Pain 5 x 7.5 Collage in a glass frame "Shifting your attention to something else will distract you from your pain; pain requires our full attention." Touch chapter page 105. "A Natural History Of The Senses" Diane Ackerman. We feel everything so deeply and honestly. We can easily hide how we feel. We can choose to do so to protect ourselves. We can distract ourselves to help with pain and distract ourselves from feeling emotions. Sometimes it's easier to not feel. To invest ourselves in other activities takes away that pain just for a little until we get back to reality.

A Few of My Favorite Things

  1.  Paint Pallet: This very messy pallet of watercolour paint holds a lot of growth. I've had this for over two years now. Shockingly has lasted this long. I've created so many artworks using this pallet. Given so many handmade cards and letters using these colours. It also is beautiful to look at how the paint slowly diminishes over the progression of my art being produced. 2. The coconut with coaster: The coconut I found one of my last nights back home before moving up to school. My best friend MJ and I have a deep love for coconuts. To make a long story short, a ship called the Providencia wrecked onto palm beach island. It was full of coconuts. They all scattered up the Palm Beach coast planting themselves. Not only is it tasty it reminds me of home and where I am rooted. The coaster I've had for years and reminds me of my mom. 3. "DINK COFFEE": Self-explanatory. I love coffee.  4. The Incense matches: Scented coconut... of course. My mom is a yoga teache

Elements & Principles

  Symmetry Wes Anderson, Director Symmetry Personal art (photographed) Symmetry Personal Photo

Art 21 Response: Adam Milner

  The artist that caught my eye was Adam Milner . Keywords: Vibrant matter, trash, arranging. Collecting. Temporary complex. “A lot of these philosophies are about getting rid of things, but I’m really interested in this idea of vibrant matter…that everything is active and when we’re done with something, it still exists in the world.” Artwork 1:  Source: Focal Point/ Emphasis: To combine personal items from Adam Milner's life and Andy Warhol's. "Ambiguously mingled" (This piece caught my attention on many levels but, one being that it is connected to Warhol and displayed in the Warhol Museum) Asymmetry: At first glance, the objects laid look placed in a neatly aligned manner. Which yes, they are neatly aligned but, they are by no means laid out to reflect on the side perfectly. Still accomplishing a visual appeal with the confusion that it i